How to cleanse the body and get rid of the parasites folk remedies

The main problem of antiparasitic therapy — resistance of helminths and drugs. Because of this, it is necessary to use powerful drugs, which damage not only worms, but also to the patient. To avoid adverse effects of treatment, you can use a folk remedy for parasites in the human body. They will have a softer effect and it can help not only to lose a hell of a problem, but also improve your health.

The symptoms of parasitic infestation

At the moment there are more than 1500 species of parasites that can live inside the human body. This microscopic fungi, protozoa and bacteria, small worms and worms multimeter giants. They all have their own particular entry into the body and many differences in the life cycle.

Parasites can be in almost any human organ. Hello this files most often affects the digestive system, particularly the intestine and liver.

Treatment of helminthiasis

There are some signs that help to detect parasites, even if they are hiding in the whole. The most simple variant — to see a worm or part of it in the stool of the person. This means that the parasitic infestation is strongly progressing and requires immediate treatment. Fungi and protozoa thereby to see the fail. Yeah same, much earlier people will notice changes in your health and other symptoms, indicating a problem of parasites:

  1. deterioration of the General condition of the body. This is manifested by constant fatigue and weakness, muscle and joints constantly ache. Nails, hair and skin lose their natural beauty. Phenomenon is unpleasant, putrid smell from the mouth;
  2. violation of mental activity. First are headaches and dizziness. Gradually the dream is broken. He becomes restless, people may gnash their teeth, not waking up. It is possible the emergence of the phenomenon of insomnia. Amid all the problems in the body the patient becomes irritable;
  3. dysfunction of the digestive system. Due to the activity of parasites breaks down the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients. As a result, the infected person may lose a Vaga no apparent reason, it decreases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Also, the phenomenon can be persistent nausea and vomiting. Because of the influence of intestinal toxins produced by parasites, deteriorating chair. Equally can manifest as diarrhea and constipation, accompanied by bloating and flatulence;
  4. the weakening of the immune system. After all, the strength of the body thrown on the destruction of parasites, other infections is much easier to penetrate into the body and begin their destructive activities. In addition, possible exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Consequences of activity of the parasites destroy all systems of human organs, so you should not delay the treatment, refusing hell doctor visits and surveys.

Work as traditional remedies against parasites?

Modern pharmacology offers everyone a simple and effective method of treatment of helminthiasis:

  1. to determine the parasite lodged in the body;
  2. to destroy the unwanted "residents", using a powerful antibiotic that penetrate the entire defense of worms;
  3. for a long time to recover the human body ad the effects of helminth infections and side effects of treatment.

However, there are some restrictions. Young children, pregnant and nursing women, and people weakened by disease, is contraindicated in many of these drugs because of possible allergic reactions and side effects.

Traditional methods of pest control operate other way. First and foremost, they are trying to restore the activity of the body and its ability Yes normal functioning. In parallel, the immune system is restored to the whole of man could defeat concomitant infections and, if possible, to get the hell parasites.

In addition, many plants contain substances that are completely harmless to humans, but are destructive to parasites. And once the worms die, is to cleanse the body ad the remnants of their bodies and all the toxins they produced.

Infusions and decoctions for the treatment of ad parasites

For a full treatment of the symptoms and causes of helminths may be small of using enemas with baking soda or a handful of pumpkin seeds. The most effective method for ridding the hell parasites folk remedies phenomenon is the use of infusions and decoctions of mixtures of medicinal plants.

So, combining the effect of ad of various herbs, you can simultaneously clean a and remove from it worms, at the same time restoring the immune system. Among the variety of different recipes, the most efficient are the following:

  1. against tapeworms — in equal parts mixed flowers of chamomile and tansy, wormwood and strawberry leaves. 100 g of a mixture boiled in 0.5 l of water and then consumed in 2 portions — morning and evening;
  2. to clean the liver hell of worms — for this fee you will need quite a lot ingredients: 2 parts chamomile, St. John's wort and knotweed and share 1 dandelion, yarrow, root of couch-grass, shacks and nettles. The infusion is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of herbs in 1 liter of boiling water. You need to pour a mixture of water and half an hour later ready to go again. He drink a glass 3 times a day;
  3. "the Russian triad" — half of a mixture are calendula flowers. Cumin seeds and air are added in equal shares. Another option is 10 parts of tansy, 5 parts clove 3 parts wormwood. The ingredients are ground and the mixture is applied on a tea teaspoonful 3 times a day 30 minutes Yes food.

Contraindications and treatment

Knowing how to get rid of parasites in the body with traditional methods, it is important to remember that in some cases it can cause harm. Therefore, to remove the possibility of a negative outcome, before cleaning you need to ensure the absence of contraindications such treatment:

  1. diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular stroke, heart attack;
  2. acute insufficiency of the liver and kidneys;
  3. peptic ulcer disease and erosion of the tissues of the digestive system;
  4. internal bleeding and menstruation;
  5. cancer;
  6. pregnancy and lactation.

The list of contraindications is, first and foremost, the reason to see the doctor before self-expel parasites folk remedies or trying the hell to get rid of them by other methods. Consultation with a specialist is desirable even in the absence of serious major concern with health.

A folk remedy against parasites in humans

Natural remedies are particularly relevant for children and pregnant women – many medications are prohibited for these categories because of their high toxicity. Among natural products there is a very famous – wormwood, pumpkin seeds. But there is not as well-known, but no less effective therapeutic drugs.


Preparations on the basis of tansy paralyze parasites that they lose their vitality, excreted with feces. Infusion of the flowers of tansy – an excellent anthelmintic. To prepare the medication is not suitable dry raw material, brownish inflorescence.


The drug effectively to combat roundworm and pinworm. Pour a liter of boiling water 25 g of inflorescences of tansy. Insist 50 minutes. Apply and food. Adult dose – 120 ml three times throughout the day. Children enough to give 15 ml of medication.


The powder of the seeds of tansy may more effective than aqueous extracts. For children the dose is 2 g for adults, 5 g of the Powder can be taken with or dissolve in water. But the experienced herbalists recommend the use of drugs on the bread crumb. From the pulp and the required dose of medicine to roll a ball, to be swallowed without chewing.

Duration of treatment – a month. Make the powder tansy need on an empty stomach 2 times a day.


App helps fight pinworms – that they hit the lower intestine, causing itching in the anus.

  1. Grind 8 grams of the seeds of tansy.
  2. Clean, chop 1 clove of garlic.
  3. Heat 270 ml milk pour all the ingredients.
  4. The capacity to put on the fire, bring to boil, let it sit on low heat under a lid for 10 minutes.

The filtered decoction should be administered into the rectum, trying to hold the liquid inside as the MAG longer. The procedure should be done for 21 days.

Important! Tansy is a poisonous plant. This should always be remember using this plant for treatment


The most famous ad plant parasites. The popular name of wormwood – common. Helps to not only get rid of various worms Hello representatives coccal flora – Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, gonococci. Has a strong, specific flavor that cannot be compared with anything. Since ancient times the Slavs used wormwood to rid hell of many diseases and for the purification of housing hell negative energy.

The broth

Boiling water (300 ml) pour 10 g of dry wormwood. Capacity wrap, leave for 20 minutes. For half an hour of eating, you should drink 70 ml of wormwood medications.


Grass (75 g) fill the container of dark glass, pour the alcohol (375 ml). Carefully close, put in a dark room for 30 Zen. Before applying double-pass through the gauze. Daily intake consists of three doses of 40 drops.


To prepare you need 530 g of fresh, young sage leaves and 1 liter of any oil of plant origin. Components mix, send for a month in the fridge, stirring every day.

Products of worms

What foods expel parasites

Many antiparasitic products can be easily found in every kitchen or in the nearest supermarket.

Pumpkin seeds

The perfect tool for getting the hell parasites children expectant mothers. The seeds can be eaten raw, dried, they can be fried or dry in the oven.

Seeds and castor oil

Therapeutic course lasts for 3 days.

In day z you need Adazi 4 servings 25 g of untreated ground seeds. An hour after the portion of the seed to drink 5 ml of castor oil.

Seeds and honey

For children 5 years of age the dose is 50 g of seeds. For elder kids, you can give 150 g of Semak. Adult serving should be increased in 2 times.

  1. The seeds along with the peel grind, dilute with water to consistency of sour cream, add 15 ml of honey.
  2. Taking medication Yes Breakfast chew. After 3 hours to drink a laxative.

Chanterelle mushrooms

Chanterelles destroy any parasites and their eggs. Curative effect of crude and dried mushrooms.

From chanterelles to prepare the healing potion.

  1. Crushed into powder, 10 g of dried mushrooms.
  2. Pour 150 ml of alcohol.
  3. Leave for 10 Zen, shaking the bottle daily.
  4. Not to strain.

Medication is necessary before departure and sleep to 10 ml with sediment. Treatment continue 60 Zen.

If alcohol is contraindicated, can make an infusion of 5 g of mushroom powder and 230ml of water. To wait an hour to drink with sediment before bedtime. For getting rid of worms, you will need 20 Zen.


Ginger tea is a storehouse of nutrients, NAPA saves hell lot of diseases. Helps to eliminate and hell helminth infection.

Pour boiling water (240 ml) 5 g ground ginger, leave for 10 minutes. For flavor, you can add a slice of lemon, 5 ml honey, mint, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom.


This vegetable is not very fond of worms. To prepare the medication you need to prepare a paste of one medium onion, pour 260 ml of warm water.

The medication should infuse for 10 hours, it should be filtered, divided into 4 portions. Daily drink one dose of the drug.


This vegetable is a great remedy for the expulsion of parasites. Eating garlic regularly can reliably protect itself, hell worms.

Depending on the type of parasite garlic can be used in various ways.


Help to rid hell of filarial.

  1. I need to exercise a large head of garlic, mush wrapped in gauze and placed in a dry pot. All you need to do very quickly. Because the volatile, quickly evaporate.
  2. Slightly pinch the nostrils, to deeply breathe the spirit of garlic. Can count to 4, exhale.
  3. The duration of the first inhalation, 2 minutes. Gradually, the hours can be increased to 15 minutes.

Every day you must do at least three treatments. Each inhalation should take a new head of garlic.

Horseradish and garlic against Giardia


  • vodka – 500 ml;
  • chopped horseradish root – 55g;
  • paste W garlic – 70 grams

Components mix to clean container in a dark room. After aging out. Therapy consists of z-week courses. Every day you need to take 45 ml of tincture in 3 divided doses.

Milk with garlic

Of these components to prepare a solution for enemas. The tool is safe, suitable for kids and expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy.

  1. Prepare a paste of one medium garlic head.
  2. Pour the hot milk house (230 ml).
  3. A bowl of medicine to wrap up, leave for 50 minutes.
  4. Filter, used for mikroklizm.

Yes children year – 25 ml colours 35 ml. Teenagers – 50 ml., Adult – 125 ml.

Water infusion

Effective against many species of parasites.

  1. Prepare a paste of medium head of garlic. Pour 245 ml of water, leave overnight. In the morning drink the medicine, not rising with beds.
  2. With this solution you can soak cotton turundy to use as candles. Effective even for infants.

Important! The key to quick and effective relief hell parasites phenomenon is the use of clean water during treatment in a large number.

Birch tar

Safe means on the basis of the birch bark.

The product can be mixed with milk or honey. 5 ml of the product requires 1 drop of tar. You can drip on rye bread crumb, which follows immediately eaten to eat.

After 4 days the dose can be increased two drops. The maximum dose of 10 drops. Treatment to continue and complete elimination of all symptoms of worm infestation.

Birch water

The infection the worms often manifests various skin diseases. For treatment of the affected areas and designed this tool.

  1. Mix 4 liters clean water V. e 500 ml birch tar.
  2. Mix well, remove in 2-3 days in the fridge.
  3. The film, which phenomenon appears on the surface to clean. The medicine is poured into another container.

To make this composition you inside, no more than 200 ml per day.